Waterford Mott Senior Pictures-Avery

Avery is a senior at Waterford Mott and we are so happy she chose us for her senior pictures!

Waterford Mott Senior Pictures are some of our favs, as we get to meet people that are right here in our own community!

It’s also great, because of the energy the high school students have. Always ready to have fun and open to trying new ideas.

We usually shoot “on location”. This means we head out to an outside area that the students feel their best and most confident in. We look to shoot at locations that are a great reflection of who you are today. Parks, beaches, downtown alleyways, meadows, and farms, to basketball courts. The possibilities are endless. Avery chose to have her photos taken at a local area that was brimming with nature. I think it suited her personality perfectly. We created some amazing photos together and had a great time doing it!

We pride ourselves in making even the most camera shy people feel relaxed and comfortable, so don’t sweat it if you’re awkward.

Awkward people are usually the cool people in our book. We will guide you through the whole experience. Mostly, we want your experience with your senior pictures to be FUN!

Our clients appreciate the power of PRINTED photos over just digitals. This is why we include a print credit towards your purchase with our session fees. We want your images to last for a lifetime. Not just for a day on Instagram!

Whether you’re a Waterford Mott Senior, from the surrounding area, or from anywhere on the planet, we look forward to meeting you, exceeding your expectations with our artistry, and promise a great experience!

We hereby nominate you as “Most likely to have Awesome Senior Pictures”. Hop over to the contact form and give us a shout!

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