Lifestyle Family Photography
My definition of Lifestyle Family Photography: Photography that captures real life and portrays everyday beauty without a ton of posing or direction, in an artistic manner in an environment true to that family.
Why I choose a Lifestyle Family Photography approach…
My parents were divorced when I was very young. My family of eight never went to JCPenney dressed in matching plaid to have our heads perfectly posed.
I have one photo. One. One photo of me with my folks when I was young. It lives on my dresser. I love it even though one thing was missing. My smile.
When I had children of my own, saving that time in photographs became very important.
I once even took them to a studio with “properly” matched outfits. Got myself a glossy 8×10. But that’s not my favorite family photo, nor is it real life. My favorites are the ones that bring me back there, sparking my memory, making me the see the deep truth about how I beautifully knitted that chaos together that was ours alone. I probably have 30-40 photo albums, each one celebrating a specific time in our lives. First steps, missing teeth, birthday parties, the old family dog, Lauren pulling Allie’s hair, Hannah dressed for dinner as a Disney princess. Our home the way it used to be, messy and full of Legos and Barbie dolls with bad haircuts and marker on their faces…lived in, loved in. But one thing is missing from too many of them. My smile. Actually me. Me altogether.
I was so busy taking photographs that I wasn’t in very many of them. I wish I was. I want to remember that “me” a little more. The me that had a little more in the cheek and around the waist from having three babies in a row. The me that wore the ultimate Mom jeans and huge glasses. The me that played Barbie’s and dress up and office lady. The me that hit the brakes on seeing a refrigerator box on the side of the road to bring home to make a fort out of. The me that sometimes struggled and lay in bed worrying at night. The me that loved those little girls so fiercely.
I wish I could see photos of that me loving my children exactly how I was in my early Motherhood days a little more.
I wish the same for you.
Lifestyle family photography gives you the chance to be in the photo. Just being you. Loving how you love. Knitting your own beautiful chaos together.
Lifestyle Family Photography sessions artistically focus on connection and real life. No matching outfits necessary. Disney princesses, Legos and Barbie’s with bad haircuts encouraged. A little more fullness in the cheeks and around the waist welcomed.
Get in the photo. I will take care of the rest, knitting together some beautiful art out of your real life memories.
Don’t miss out on yourself.
The Nielsen’s. Playing piano, playing swords, baking pizza dough, and loving on brand new baby Teddy.