Perfect Family Portraits

Heaven forbid, if your house were burning, what possession would you grab on your way out? What is the most important thing you own? The answer is easy for me. Family pictures. This one is old, but I love it! David’s hair is so long and dark and lush. Lauren and Allie were starting their…

mom includes son in newborn session by leaning in on bed with him looking at baby

Tips for including older siblings during newborn sessions.

How to include siblings for a fun and stress free newborn session. Having a newborn is such an exciting time of life, and a perfect time for a photo session. But it may also be a testing time for older siblings. They may feel like that swaddled little package gets all the attention now. They…

Lifestyle Family Photography

Lifestyle Family Photography

My definition of Lifestyle Family Photography: Photography that captures real life and portrays everyday beauty without a ton of posing or direction in an artistic manner in an environment true to that family.

Waterford Family Photography/Chelsea

Waterford Family Photography starts here! I think you’ll agree, these photographs of Chelsea as she starts her own family are just stunning, and they are proof that when you feel beautiful on the inside, you are beautiful on the outside. Stay tuned for some more beautiful photos of a bouncing baby girl!

Waterford MI Family Photographers

Trumbo Photography-Waterford MI Family Photographers having some fun down on the farm! Kasey was kind enough to introduce us to Serenity, and show us around Ruggles Ranch. She spends lots of time there learning, grooming, riding, loving on, and cleaning up after this amazing animal! Her parents joined in, too. They also spend lots of…